One of the first things that draws your attention to the AccuTite™ handpiece is its size. It is incredibly small when compared to its older siblings, BodyTite™ and FaceTite™. However, when considering it’s small size, you begin to realize that this handpiece is not only strong, it is also extremely accurate and flexible. What I find most fascinating about the AccuTite™ technology is that it will make almost any small area of your body that has loose skin and/or unwanted fat look better.
The possibilities for treatment areas are almost endless and this is where the fun really begins. AccuTite™ offers a great alternative to formal surgery and gives you transformative middle-of-the-road road results that can last for years. But what I am most excited about with AccuTite™, is how many areas of your body it can treat. Let’s take a look at the common treatment areas in more detail:
- Saggy and swollen upper and lower eyelids: Blepharoplasty (eyelid tuck) surgery is a very common procedure in our office procedure that is a great option to address aging of the upper and lower eyelids. Up to this point, there has yet to be a real alternative to this surgery besides botox, fillers and to some external skin tightening treatments with lasers, radiofrequency and cold plasma devices. AccuTite™ now gives us a true alternative. It tightens the skin of the upper and lower eyelid and also reduces areas of visible fat that makes your eyelids appear swollen or puffy. Adding on an external Fractora™ treatment will enhance your results by also addressing the skin texture and fine lines around your eyes.
- Heavy eyebrows: Heavy brows are a common sign of aging that can make us look tired and even mad. A brow lift is a great surgery to lift your brows back to a more youthful position, but it is an incisional surgery that can have several weeks of bruising, swelling, sutures, and downtime. AccuTite™ now gives us a less invasive alternative with a much shorter recovery. Unlike a brow lift, which uses longer incisions within the hair or along the hairline, AccuTite™ procedures use just 2 extremely small and non visible access punctures to complete the procedure. The recovery time is reduced by at least 50% and the results are transformative. For those with mild to moderate heaviness of the brows, AccuTite™ offers a great middle of the road option.
- Aging changes of the upper and lower face and neck: We often notice normal aging of our face and neck first because we look at it every day. Up to this point, a facelift or necklift
has been the best option to address loose skin and lose of skin tone, even for those who have only mild to moderate issues there was not a great middle option. Fillers and Botox are helpful in maintaining a youthful appearance of the face but they require frequent treatments and don’t address the neck at all. AccuTite™ offers a less invasive alternative to treat small areas of your face and neck, in just one treatment and without having to undergo formal surgery. As with all AccuTite procedures, this is completed in the office, with you awake, in about the same amount of time it takes for a filler and Botox appointment. The addition of Fractora will further smooth and improve the texture and tone of your facial and neck skin.
- Unsightly jawline contour (including jowling): Changes along the contour of your jawline add unwanted heaviness and boxiness to the lower half of your face. In some cases liposuction could help improve the appearance of jowls but the only definitive option was a facelift. AccuTite™ targets the excess skin and fat along the jowls to remodel your jawline back to a more youthful chiseled appearance. Adding Fractora will further address the skin texture and tone in this area.
- ‘Selfie chin’: The dreaded ‘selfie-chin’ pops up in pictures everywhere and it is not always an age related problem. Liposuction has been the surgery of choice to improve this area but it did not address loose skin or skin texture. Kybella offered a non-invasive option but came with extreme swelling and often required several treatment to achieve optimal results. In one treatment AccuTite™ removes excess fat and tightens loose skin. Recovery from AccuTite is quick and most patients are able to return to work and normal daily activities in a day or two.
- Excess fat and skin on upper arms: Excess fat on the upper arms is frustrating and can be hard to hide even in clothes. A brachioplasty (aka arm tuck procedure) is an extremely transformative surgical option but does have the tradeoff of sometimes visible scars. AccuTite™ offers an alternative treatment options for those of you who can pinch less than an inch of skin and in general have more fat than loose skin. Usually combined with liposuction and using just a few tiny hidden scars, AccuTite tightens skin and eliminates excess fat.
- Bra line fat: No woman likes how unwanted fat can distort their bra line. It is visible in most clothes and makes finding a well fitting bra, difficult to impossible. Liposuction has been the best option to remove localized fat, however, liposuction alone doesn’t address loose skin. AccuTite™ allows us to address both the fat and the loose skin along the bra line at the same time in one easy treatment. AccuTite™ can also be used to treat small difficult to reach areas like your armpit, that liposuction alone was in unable to treat effectively.
- Shape of the inner thighs, knees, and calves: Small and localized areas of fat around your inner thighs, inner knees and even your calves can have a big impact on the shape and overall appearance of your legs. Liposuction in these areas is very helpful to improve the contour but it will not treat the commonly found loose skin. AccuTite™ is a great option for treatment of these small areas as it will treat the fat and also tighten the skin. It’s small size allows for flexible maneuvering of the handpiece to treat those hard to reach areas.
- Aging of the back of your hands: Hands giveaway our age more than almost any other part of our body and our treatment options have been limited. Available treatments included injections of either your own fat or dermal fillers, and laser skin resurfacing to improve the appearance. AccuTite™ offers a viable and powerful treatment alternative for aging hands, smoothing the appearance of aging by tightening loose skin and addressing skin texture with Fractora . It is a transformative procedure that takes less than 1 hour to complete and has minimal recovery.
- Prominent labia: Surgical options for large labia have primarily been addressed with formal labia reduction surgery, this involved excising excess skin and sutures. With AccuTite™, a labia tightening procedure can be completed in the office, with you awake and without long incisions, the entire procedure uses just a few tiny punctures. Combining AccuTite with Votiva™ gives the added benefit of internal tightening and rejuvenation.
The groundbreaking part of AccuTite™ really is it’s accuracy and precision and the treatment areas listed above all benefit from this small size. Treatment areas are now limited only by our creativity and experience and I am excited about the potential for additional treatment areas in the future.
Check back in a few months to see some of the others areas we are treating and take a look a the video below for clips from an AccuTite™ treatment of the lower eyelids: